Contact Us Today: 406-442-2576
Pre-ETS activities provide an early start at job exploration for students with disabilities ages 14-21 to assist with transitioning from school to postsecondary education or employment. Vocational Rehabilitation and Blind Services (VRBS) works with schools and other organizations across the state to deliver Pre-ETS services.
NOTE: For youth who are NOT STUDENTS, regular vocational rehabilitation services may be available. Contact your local VR office for more information.
Schools may consider providing and arranging career exploration curriculum, mentoring programs, guest speakers, career fairs, and exploring career pathways.
School-based activities may include: develop paid work experiences, staff time for job coaching, in-school work experiences, and transportation to and from work sites.
Schools: transportation costs to attend career fairs, guest speakers, staff time to assist with college-related paperwork, STEM-related curriculum, and research support into credentialing/training.
Schools may want to provide instruction on these skills and provide staff time to support peer mentoring and community-based experiences to practice.
Schools should include self-advocacy skills in all areas of education and planning. Including external resources such as Independent Living Centers, Montana Youth Leadership Forum, and attending the MYT Conference is important.
Vocational Rehabilitation and Blind Services
111 North Last Chance Gulch, Suite 4C
PO Box 4210
Helena, MT 59604-4210
1 (877) 296-1197 (toll-free consumer line)
(406) 444-2590 (voice/TTY)
(406) 444-3632 (fax)